Clear, Sharp Images Are A Must For Real Estate Photography

Here Are 5 Ways to Help You Capture the Sharpest Interior Photos Possible.

  1. Establish a steady base by mounting your camera on a sturdy tripod.
  2. Use a heavy duty, geared tripod head, designed for precision shot alignment.
  3. Close down your aperture to allow for a deeper depth of field, but not so deep that it negates your flash power. An Aperture smaller than f/8 is usually not necessary unless the space you are shooting is really huge… in which case you’ll need more flash power anyway.
  4. Use the ‘mirror lock-up’ function on your camera. It may require pressing the shutter release button twice but eliminates any initial camera vibration caused by mirror movement prior to the shutter movement. Or use ‘Live View’ if your carmera has it – it automatically locks the mirror as long as it is in ‘Live View’ mode.
  5. Use a remote shutter release to avoid the vibration and camera movement caused by manually pressing the shutter release button.

Homes sell faster and for more money when high quality professional photos are used for marketing on MLS and the Internet!

There are a number of ways to help capture the sharpest interior photos possible… how many can you think of?

Contact us today and see how we can help you effectively market a home!